Te Kiko O Te Rangi
Ko Ōhako te marae
Ko Te Kiko-o-te-Rangi te whare
Ko Ōhako anō te whare-kai
Ko Te Aohuna te papa-whenua
Ko Papatū te maunga
Ko Te Arai te awa
Ko Turakina te urupā
Ko Ngāi Tāwhiri me Ngāi Te Kete ngā hapū
Ko Ruapani te tangata
Ko Horouta te waka
Ōhako Marae is located along Papatu Road at Manutūkē on the Aohuna A1 block. The marae belongs to Ngai Tawhiri and Ngai Te Kete and Ruapani. The wharenui is named Te Kiko O Te Rangi and the wharekai Ōhako. The urupa is Turakina.
Some believe the wharekai is named Ōhako after a tipuna who helped to build it and also the whanau who gave koha. It is suggested that ‘Ko te koha’ reversed became Te Ōhako.
This marae reinforces the strong alliance between Ruapani and Rongowhakaata. The wharenui Te Kiko O Te Rangi commemorates the paramount chief Ruapani.
Some say that the name of the wharenui originated from a chief who stayed overnight in a whare not far from the present marae, which was too small to accommodate everyone. Therefore, he slept outside and looked up to the ceiling and could only see the stars in the sky, thus the name Te Kiko O Te Rangi. Translated it means - under the stars of the open sky that is your sleeping place.
For marae enquiries please email: ohakomarae@outlook.com